New e-Tenders System has been launched. Visit for details.

Title: Business Plans Competition for NGOs - BO Project (English and Romanian).

Reg. no.:EoI09/00024

Launch date: 21 March 2009, 00:00 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 13 April 2009, 16:30 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Expression of Interest

Category: Consulting services

Better Opportunities for Youth and Women project (Project), implemented by UNDP Moldova with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Romanian Government, announces the competition for selection of non-commercial organisations (public associations, foundations and private institutions) that will ensure creation of the new jobs for project beneficiaries(youth between 16-25 years old that are in difficult situation and are potential risk group for marginalization).

For successful attaining of the proposed objective, Project will contribute with financial support of business plans towards creation of new jobs for project beneficiaries managed by the non-commercial organisations (public associations, foundations and private institutions) selected as a result of competition launched.

The competition is addressed to all non-commercial organisations (public associations, foundations and private institutions) from the Republic of Moldova and not limited to the regions where the Project already is carrying on its activity (Edinet, Soroca, Drochia, Telenesti, Ungheni, Calarasi, Carpineni, Causeni, Cahul, Hincesti).

Qualified candidates are invited to submit their proposals in sealed envelopes with the mark: "NGO Jobs. BO" by 13 April 2009, 16:30 (local time), to the following address:
UNDP Office, 131, 31 August 1989 Street, MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova,

alternatively by email to

Versiunea in romana:

Proiectul "Oportunităţi mai bune pentru tineri şi femei" (Proiectul), implementat de PNUD Moldova, cu suportul financiar al Agenţiei Statelor Unite pentru Dezvoltare Internaţională (USAID) şi al Guvernului României, anunţă lansarea concursului de planuri de afaceri pentru selectarea organizaţiilor necomerciale (asociaţii obşteşti, fundaţii şi instituţii private) care vor fi implicate în procesul de creare a locurilor de muncă noi destinate beneficiarilor proiectului (tineri cu vîrsta cuprinsă între 16-25 ani, care sunt în situaţie de dificultate şi reprezintă un potenţial grup de risc pentru marginalizare).

Pentru realizarea cu succes a obiectivului propus, Proiectul va susţine financiar planurile de afaceri în vederea asigurării creării locurilor de muncă noi destinate beneficiarilor proiectului şi gestionate de organizaţiile necomerciale (asociaţii obşteşti, fundaţii şi instituţii private) selectate în urma competiţiei.

Sunt invitate să participe la concurs organizaţiile necomerciale (asociaţii obşteşti, fundaţii şi instituţii private) cu reşedinţă în Republica Moldova şi nu se limitează doar la regiunile unde Proiectul deja îşi desfăşoară activităţile (Edineţ, Soroca, Drochia, Teleneşti, Ungheni, Călăraşi, Cărpineni, Căuşeni, Cahul, Hînceşti).

Candidaţii eligibili sunt invitaţi să depună ofertele în plic sigilat cu nota: "NGO Jobs. BO" nu mai tîrziu de 13 aprilie 2009, 16:30 (ora locala), la următoarea adresă:
PNUD Moldova, str. 31 August 1989 nr. 131, MD-2012, Chişinău, Moldova,

sau prin email la

Ms. Liliana Caterov.

Supporting documents:

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In case of discrepancies between the text published on the website and the contents of the supporting documents, the provisions, instructions and conditions included in the supporting documents (published as Adobe Portable Document Format files) shall prevail. In case of discrepancies between the English version and the Romanian and/or Russian versions of text, documents or other content published on this webpage, the English version shall prevail.

Other UN Agencies in Moldova

Procurement opportunities launched by other UN Agencies in Moldova (such as IOM, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNHCR, WHO, UNAIDS) are published on the official website of the UN in Moldova.

Procurement Notices.