New e-Tenders System has been launched. Visit for details.

Title: GRANTS PROGRAMME (GP-2012): Confidence Building Measures.

Reg. no.:EoI12/00534

Launch date: 02 May 2012, 00:00 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 30 May 2012, 16:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Expression of Interest

Category: Grants

The Programme «Support to Confidence Building Measures» is funded by the European Union and co-funded and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in Moldova. The goal of this programme is to increase confidence between Chisinau and Tiraspol by implementing projects in the sphere of socio-economic development with active involvement and participation of Civil Society Organizations and Local Communities.

In order to meet this goal the «Support to Confidence Building Measures» Programme announces an Expression of Interest for Grants, which will be implemented from June 2012 until May 2013.

Within the Expression of Interest, projects will be selected in a number of designated areas. Projects will be selected along two streams of financing: grants for established organizations (up to 100,000 USD) in the fields of media, joint research and analysis and promotion of democratic values and a small grants programme (up to 25,000 USD) in the areas of community participation, human rights, access to social services and environment.  

The rules and procedures that will guide the submission, selection and implementation of projects can be found in Project Submission Guidelines*.

For additional information, please contact us by phone: (+373) 22 839-866 or by e-mail:


Programul “Susținerea Măsurilor de Promovare a Încrederii” este finanțat de Uniunea Europeană, co-finanțat și implementat de Programul Națiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare. Programul are ca scop sporirea gradului de încredere dintre Chişinău şi Tiraspol, prin intermediul unor proiecte socio – economice, cu implicarea și participarea activă a comunităților şi a organizaţiilor societăţii civile.

Pentru a atinge acest obiectiv, Programul “Susținerea Măsurilor de Promovare a Încrederii” a inițiat Programul de Granturi, care va susține inițiative ce se vor derula în perioada iunie 2012 – mai 2013.

În cadrul acestui Program de Granturi vor fi selectate proiecte într-un șir de domenii tematice. Proiectele vor fi selectate in conformitate cu două linii de finanțare: granturi pentru organizații cu experiență (granturi de pînă la 100,000 USD) în domeniile propuse pentru finanțare: mass-media, activități de cercetare și analiză comune, promovarea valorilor democratice; linie de finanțare pentru granturi mici (pînă la 25,000 USD) în domeniile participării comunitare, drepturilor omului, acces la servicii sociale și protecția mediului înconjurător.

Condiţiile de participare la GP-2012  sunt specificate în Ghidul solicitantului de finanţare*.

Pentru informaţii suplimentare ne puteţi contacta la nr. (022) 839 866 sau prin e-mail, la adresa


Программа «Поддержка мер по укреплению доверия» финансируется Европейским Союзом и со-финансируется и внедряется Программой Развития Объединенных Наций в Молдове. Целью программы является повышение уровня доверия между Кишиневом и Тирасполем путем реализации проектов по ряду направлений социально-экономического развития с вовлечением и участием в них организаций гражданского общества и местных сообществ.

Для выполнения данной задачи программа «Поддержка мер по укреплению доверия» объявляет о конкурсе заявок на программу грантов, которая будет действовать с июня 2012 года по май 2013 года.

В рамках программы будут рассматриваться проекты в заданных областях. Заявки принимаются по двум различным направлениям финансирования: по программе грантов для устоявшихся организаций (до 100,000 долларов) в области средств массовой информации, проведения совместных исследований и анализа, продвижения демократических ценностей; и по программе малых грантов (до 25,000 долларов) в области общественного участия, прав человека, доступа к социальным услугам и окружающей среды.

Правила и процедуры подачи документов, отбора и внедрения проектов содержатся в Руководстве для соискателя финансирования*.

Дополнительную информацию можно получить по телефону (+373) 22 839-866  или по адресу электронной почты:     


Offers can be submitted either in hard copy, or electronically. Offers received by fax will be rejected. Incomplete offers shall not be examined.

a) Documents/offers in hard copy, marked with „CBM GP- 2012”, need to be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to/ Dosarele cu menţiunea “CBM GP-2012” pot fi depuse într-un plic sigilat prin poştă sau prin depunere personală la adresa/ документы в запечатанном конверте (с отметкой «CBM GP-2012») можно отправить по почте либо доставить лично по адресу:

UNDP Moldova

131, 31 August 1989 Street, MD-2012, Chisinau

Attention: Registry Office/Procurement

b) Offers sent electronically, marked with „CBM GP- 2012”, need to be addressed to the following e-mail address/ Documentele necesare, cu menţiunea “CBM GP-2012”, pot fi transmise electronic la adresa de e-mail/ Документы с пометкой „CBM GP-2012” можно отправить по адресу электронной почты:


Supporting documents:

Grants Annoucement Adobe

Submission Guidelines Adobe

Application Form Microsoft

Timeframe Microsoft

Anunt de Lansare Adobe

Ghidul Solicitantului Adobe

Cerere de Finantare Microsoft

Planul Calendaristic Microsoft

Submission Guidelines RU Adobe

Grants Annoucement RU Adobe

Application Form RU Microsoft

Timeframe RU Microsoft



In case of discrepancies between the text published on the website and the contents of the supporting documents, the provisions, instructions and conditions included in the supporting documents (published as Adobe Portable Document Format files) shall prevail. In case of discrepancies between the English version and the Romanian and/or Russian versions of text, documents or other content published on this webpage, the English version shall prevail.

Other UN Agencies in Moldova

Procurement opportunities launched by other UN Agencies in Moldova (such as IOM, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNHCR, WHO, UNAIDS) are published on the official website of the UN in Moldova.

Procurement Notices.