New e-Tenders System has been launched. Visit for details.

Title: SCBM/ GRANTS PROGRAMME (GP-2016) Business Cooperation Platforms.

Reg. no.:EoI16/01188

Launch date: 15 February 2016, 16:30 (GMT+2:00)

Deadline: 24 March 2016, 16:00 (GMT+2:00)

Procurement method: Expression of Interest

Category: Grants

The Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme (SCBM Programme), funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP Moldova, announced an Expresion of Interest for Grants opened to nonprofit organizations registered on the Moldova territory including its Transnistrian region. The projects approved for funding will be implemented from April 2016 until August 2017.

Within the Expression of Interest, projects of up to 60,000 USD will be selected in the area of the creation of sustainable cross-river business cooperation platforms, or strengthening the existing ones. Applicants for grants will have considerable flexibility in identifying the actual needs and priorities of their communities and will be encouraged to submit promising joint confidence building project proposals.

The Grants Competition Announcement, Applicant's Guidelines and Application Form (in MS Word format) are attached bellow under the "Supporting documents" section.

Deadline for submission of proposals: March 24, 2016, 16:00 (Moldova local time).

Note: A pre-bidding conference will take place on Monday, 22 February, at 11:00 in the 3rd floor Conference Room of the Le Roi Business Center (29, Sfatul Tarii Str., Chisinau).

UPDATE 25/02/2016: Minutes of pre-bidding conference dd 22/02/2016 are now published below.

Programul Susținerea Măsurilor de Promovare a Încrederii (Programul SCBM), finanţat de Uniunea Europeană şi implementat de către PNUD Moldova, lansează apel privind exprimarea interesului pentru Granturi, deschis organizaţiilor nonprofit de pe teritoriul R. Moldova, inclusiv regiunea transnistreană. Proiectele aprobate pentru finanţare urmează a fi implementate începând cu luna aprilie 2016 şi până în august 2017.

În cadrul acestui apel privind exprimarea interesului, vor fi selectateselectate proiecte cu valoarea de până la 60.000 de dolari SUA în vederea creării unor platforme sustenabile trans-riverane de cooperare în domeniul afacerilor, sau consolidării celor existente. Solicitanţii de granturi vor dispune de o flexibilitate considerabilă în identificarea necesităţilor şi priorităţilor efective ale comunităţilor lor şi vor fi încurajaţi să prezinte propuneri promiţătoare de proiecte comune în domeniul consolidării încrederii.

Anuntul privind programul de granturi, , Ghidul solicitantului si Formularul de solicitare (in format Word) sunt atasate mai jos la sectiunea "Supporting documents".

Data limită pentru depunerea proiectelor: 24 martie 2016, ora 16:00 (ora locală).

Notă: Conferința de pre-licitație va avea loc luni, 22 februarie, la ora 11:00 în sala de conferințe, еt. 3, Centrului de Afaceri „Le Roi” (str. Sfatul Țării,29, Chișinău).

UPDATE 25/02/2016: Procesul verbal al Conferintei de pre-licitatie din data 22/02/2016 este publicat mai jos.

Программа «Поддержки мер по укреплению доверия» (Программа МД), финансируемая Европейским Союзом и реализуемая ПРООН Молдова, объявляет сбор заявок на выражение заинтересованности в Грантах, открытых для неправительственных организаций, зарегистрированных на территории Молдовы, в т.ч. из Приднестровского региона. Проекты, утвержденные к финансированию, будут реализованы в период с апреля 2016 по август 2017 г.

В рамках выражения заинтересованности будут отобраны проекты на сумму до 60 000 долларов США в области создания устойчивых платформ делового сотрудничества, объединяющих оба берега Днестра, либо укрепления уже существующих платформ. Заявителям дается широкая свобода в плане определения действительных потребностей и приоритетов соответствующего делового сообщества/ сектора; приветствуются интересные совместные предложения, в рамках мер по укреплению доверия.

Крайний срок подачи предложений: 24 марта 2016, 16:00 (местное время).

Примечание:Пред-тендерная сессия пройдет в понедельник, 22 февраля, в 11:00, Le Roi Бизнес-центр, конференц-зал, 3-й этаж (ул. Сфатул Цэрий, 29, Кишинев).

Обновление 25/02/2016: Протокол пред-тендерной сессии для соискателей с 22/02/2016 опубликован ниже.

The documents can be sent either by e-mail at: with the subject SCBM/Business Platforms-2016”, or by post, or delivered physically in a sealed envelope (marked SCBM/Business Platforms-2016) to the following address: UNDP Moldova, 131, 31 August 1989 str., MD-2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Attention: Registry Office/Procurement.

Offers received by fax will be rejected. Incomplete offers shall not be examined.

a) Documents/offers in hard copy need to be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to:
UNDP Moldova
131, 31 August 1989 Street, MD-2012, Chisinau
Attention: Registry Office/Procurement

b) Offers sent electronically need to be addressed to the following e-mail address:

Contact person: Angela Frunze, (+373) 022-839-865

Persoana de contact: Dna Angela Frunze, (+373) 022-839-865

Контактное лицо: Анжела Фрунзе, (+373) 022-839-865

Ms. Angela Frunze.

Supporting documents:

Grants Competition Announcement (EN) Adobe

Applicant's Guidelines (EN) Adobe

Application Form (EN) Microsoft

Letter of Invitation Adobe

Apel Program de Granturi (RO) Adobe

Ghidul Solicitantului (RO) Adobe

Formular de Solicitare (RO) Microsoft

Объявление программы грантов (RU) Adobe

Руководство заявителя (RU) Adobe

Форма заявки (RU) Microsoft

Minutes of pre-bidding conference as of 22/02/2016 Adobe

Procesul verbal al conferintei de pre-licitatie din 22/02/2016 Adobe

Протокол пред-тендерной сессии для соискателей c 22/02/2016 Adobe



In case of discrepancies between the text published on the website and the contents of the supporting documents, the provisions, instructions and conditions included in the supporting documents (published as Adobe Portable Document Format files) shall prevail. In case of discrepancies between the English version and the Romanian and/or Russian versions of text, documents or other content published on this webpage, the English version shall prevail.

Other UN Agencies in Moldova

Procurement opportunities launched by other UN Agencies in Moldova (such as IOM, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNHCR, WHO, UNAIDS) are published on the official website of the UN in Moldova.

Procurement Notices.